Not utilizing our mind power will sure make us dumb, numb & eventually dead as a dodo. On the contrary our mind becomes totally volatile when faced with the circumstances which we aren’t strong enough to tackle meticulously. In such circumstances our evaluation system also shakes up from the root bottom. We may not even be able to hush these trying times with grace. In this utter frustration, helplessness & desperation we look up to the supreme power (that we call God), looking up to him for his help & sometimes even going to the extend of bargaining with him. Hey lord you grant me this wish, I will donate so much money in charity. Whom are you showing the prowess of the money, the one who gave it to you? You could have landed up in a miser & poor family & then you would have nothing to offer but yourself completely to the lord. Different people have different interpretations of the god, for some its just a source of enlighten, light, motivation, for other the purity, & for some just a source of attaining material, for some it’s the destiny that they call God. Meditation is a way to reach to the god. It is peaceful, calm & serene way for sure.
Meditation not only relaxes the mind, but it relaxes the heart, the breathing & thus the whole body. Meditation controls the blood flow in our body, giving us a soothing sensation & the feeling of the stillness. It makes us break from the mundane & monotonic way of life. Sure it helps us to connect to our inner self, & to help us know the better person inside us. By meditating one can traverse the space that was unscathed & untouched. It helps in achieving peace, & tranquility. Stillness of the mind also comes in handy.
Mind is actually bifurcated into 2 halves, the conscious mind & the sub-conscious mind. Even while sleeping the sub conscious is active. That is the part of the mind responsible for imaging & staging the dreams. Meditation has so much strength that the Rishis & Munis (Sages & Saints) in the old times, used to meditate for years altogether & even ages, without even having food or water, even battling the tough environmental conditions. Meditation is a sure way of escaping the conflicts inside & that on the outside too. It puts everything to a stand still & at peace. It not only gives oneself the peace of mind. It is one step further to that, & helps us relax, ease, & flex ourselves.