Thursday, March 26, 2009

Stillness of the mind (The Meditation way)

Devotion helps the energy traffic going from the divine (head) to the self (heart & the rest of the body). Meditation activates the parts of the mind that were unused & dormant with little or no activity. Scientists say that humans use only about 10% of their mind power, in their entire life cycle. They simply neglect & ignore the full capability of their brain. Even Lord Krishna said to Arjuna “Hey Arjuna the skills that you won’t use, will get destroyed one day”. Krishna transpired it to Arjuna in the context that “Hey Arjuna if you don’t use your mastery against your enemies, that mastery is of no use, & gradually it will diminish over a period of time”. Same way if we don’t meditate we are bound to become numb, volatile, fatigues, helpless, low on confidence, lost & other fatal symptoms. Brain the processor house of the body also needs some soothing. Meditation can even arouse the cells of the brain that are dead & destroyed. It acts as a stimulant to the brain, helping it to tackle confrontational situations, & deadlocks more effectively & efficiently both in the personal & professional life. There is a persistent need to meditate not only for the brain, but to continuously improve on yourself. Exemplarily a rope made of fibers, when new & raw isn’t very strong, but on fabrication into a rope its rigidity & tensile strength increases with the persistent usage. The fibers rub & run into each other, holding each other even more tightly. It increases the coupling & the cohesion within the strands, hence improving the strength & life of the rope. Brain is similar to this rope, which is very fragile & prone to tensions, & with meditation, brain finds a way to be calm & peaceful in these turbulent circumstances. This is only possible with the pushes & pulls of meditation. Without these pushes & pulls the brain will be like a silken thread, on the verge of rupture. Meditation also helps the brain to maximize its utilization.

Not utilizing our mind power will sure make us dumb, numb & eventually dead as a dodo. On the contrary our mind becomes totally volatile when faced with the circumstances which we aren’t strong enough to tackle meticulously. In such circumstances our evaluation system also shakes up from the root bottom. We may not even be able to hush these trying times with grace. In this utter frustration, helplessness & desperation we look up to the supreme power (that we call God), looking up to him for his help & sometimes even going to the extend of bargaining with him. Hey lord you grant me this wish, I will donate so much money in charity. Whom are you showing the prowess of the money, the one who gave it to you? You could have landed up in a miser & poor family & then you would have nothing to offer but yourself completely to the lord. Different people have different interpretations of the god, for some its just a source of enlighten, light, motivation, for other the purity, & for some just a source of attaining material, for some it’s the destiny that they call God. Meditation is a way to reach to the god. It is peaceful, calm & serene way for sure.

Meditation not only relaxes the mind, but it relaxes the heart, the breathing & thus the whole body. Meditation controls the blood flow in our body, giving us a soothing sensation & the feeling of the stillness. It makes us break from the mundane & monotonic way of life. Sure it helps us to connect to our inner self, & to help us know the better person inside us. By meditating one can traverse the space that was unscathed & untouched. It helps in achieving peace, & tranquility. Stillness of the mind also comes in handy.

Mind is actually bifurcated into 2 halves, the conscious mind & the sub-conscious mind. Even while sleeping the sub conscious is active. That is the part of the mind responsible for imaging & staging the dreams. Meditation has so much strength that the Rishis & Munis (Sages & Saints) in the old times, used to meditate for years altogether & even ages, without even having food or water, even battling the tough environmental conditions. Meditation is a sure way of escaping the conflicts inside & that on the outside too. It puts everything to a stand still & at peace. It not only gives oneself the peace of mind. It is one step further to that, & helps us relax, ease, & flex ourselves.

Friday, March 13, 2009

True Friends

Are we friends
or are we not?
You told me once
But I forgot

Tell me now
and tell me true
so can I say
I'm here for you

Of all the friends I've ever met
Your the one I won't forget
And if I die
before you do

I'll go to heaven
And wait for you
Just to prove
My friendship is true

I am Lucky
To have a friend like you

((Source : Web Post))

Yesterday I saw a dream

Yesterday I saw a dream
It was a gory scene
Nothing in it was serene
My memoir of it, still clean

My mom also used to have these
There was nothing to appease
It even made her freeze
Same dream, every night to tease

I was cold & numb
It made me feel crippled & crumb
Please don’t think that I am dumb
You can sense the chill on my thumb

I had a goose bump
In my throat a big lump
My heart going thump-thump
It was my worst slump

It gave me a shiver
My temperature rose
As if I had fever
I lost my nerve with a jitter

I wanted to grasp onto something
To come out of the vicious ring
But, all I could do was to crack & cringe
My body completely jinxed

Dream was about the Exam Time
My hands full of grime
I knowing not a word
Pen looking like a sword

The questions are the simplest
& I have studied only 30 percent
How will I pass?
Knowing just a pinch out of the vast

Frenzy continues for 5 minutes
I am desperate & distressed
All hope lost
Things gone for a toss

I running pillar to post
Knowing not what to do
Looking for ways to clear the paper
But can’t think of a way, out of this mouse trap

Fear rises till the threshold
Till my mind gets a jolt
My eyes split wide open
& with them opens the big illusion bolt

I wake up
& recollect the dream
Ohhh !! Not the dream
But the nightmarish scream….

Thursday, March 5, 2009

I am Strong but Broke Off

Today I Wrote You a Letter that You may Never Receive,
Baby I'm Sorry but I had to Leave.

I must let You Know You have Bruised my Heart,
All the Passion & Love we Had,
That could have Last us a Whole Lifetime,
The love you Claimed was Only From My Side.

Cuddling you all Night,
Sweet little Play Fight,
Everything in Life seemed so Right.

Leaving you behind was a bit of a Shock,
Now I Sit Back & Ponder,
How we Got Together I Wonder.

In all the ways that we compared the Same,
I still remember the things we Shared,
You did your best to show that you Cared,
But Alas this World you Feared

If You Would Standby the World Would See,
What Love is & How Strong it can be,
But you be there & It is Fine with me,
& be the way you want to be.

Never think of those old little Times,
Never remember those little Crimes,
Those were different & Now These are different Times

We used to be Friends
But now we don’t talk
We used to be close
But now we go apart

So Go Away as far As you Can
Go Away From Me
Go Away From My Life

I am Alive but my Soul is Dead

I am Alive but my Soul is Dead....
I am not living just surviving....
I am battling to keep breathing,
whileas my heart is smoldering....
I remember the frenzy atop mosque megaphones....
The sound of the Guns & Bombs
still raging in my ears....
The Blood stained Roads.....
The Closed Schools.....
My brethren Killed....
Freedom Snatched.....
My Childhood Snatched....
My Land Snatched.....
Women raped....
Men killed...
Even children were not spared...
Temples destroyed .....
Houses burnt....

I was all of 10 years, when turmoil in the valley engulfed the valley. I could hear the azaan from the mosque all night long, commanding Kashmiri Pandits & all Hindus to flee from Kashmir. "Nalay Taqdeer, Allah Hu Akbar". Till date I don't know what it means, & this formed the crust of the bloodshed by the terrorists in the valley. Noise of Cross fire or a Bomb Blast had become a common thing in the markets, roads, buses & any public places. Temples were razed down, houses were burnt.