There is a lot that this whole world offers. With such a hostile inviting environment, there is nothing wrong in craving & desiring. In fact this whole is like a Kalpa-Vriksha (The Wish Fulfilling Tree), which can fulfill all our desires. Whether it is the fruits, flowers, shade, oxygen or its own bark, & pulp. Mythology also has reference to the “Kalpa Vriksha”, tree that is the fulfiller of all desires. Even the Australopithecus with no intelligence at all desired to be strongest & the explicit species. Otherwise how can one explain the invention of wheel, fire or the usage of metals to make weapons for hunting? It all came from the desire or one of the instincts.
The tornado of desires keeps us battling & fighting for the things that we want truly, madly, & deeply. Desires from the core of every man’s heart, buried deep inside. Not to be seen, not to be shown, jut known to the person. Everyone right from the kids to the old have desires. Kids desire to be sporty, pampered & adored all the time. They throw tantrums when they don’t get their dose of chocolates or the toys. Don’t they hold you up for a ransom, when they have to do their homework? “Give me a chocolate, and then I will do my homework”. This all comes from desire, & a way to fulfill your desires. Adolescents have the desire to have sex, date the best girl in the batch, to live on the edge, achieve the impossible. Adults have the desire to have a cool, cozy & comfortable life. Others are driven by other desires both on the sane plane, & insane plane. Old people don’t have so much strong a desire. Except for their desire of, getting love, respect & caring from the younger lot. All in all, they all they all have this insatiable desire to be important, to be popular & to be the one with the golden spoon in their mouth. They all want to carve a niche in this world. So, desire, desire, desire, humans.
Desires can be good or bad, real or bogus, strong or laid off. Varies from person to person, depending on what desires are being tamed & cultivated in the deep confines of the heart. Desire it, Achieve it. The desires are predominant, in the people who use a lot of “I want”. This is inferential that, they desire or want many a things from life. They may just crave & desire at all times, not really converting their desires in virtual space, to realities in the materialistic space. Desires when strong have a lot of power that can help us achieve our goals & targets. Goals in the shorter span & targets in the longer span of time space.
Desires without action, are just futile dreams, bound to crash onto ground, & only create rubble. Actions without desires also tend to go haywire. Desires drive us further, propel us, and direct us to the sought out, & the wanted things. Desires help us attain the unachievable, unknown & the impossible. So hold out your hands to the “Kalpa-Vriksha” & let your desires be fulfilled by it. Desire it, Do it, Achieve it.
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