Friendship becomes a relationship, the relationship turns into intimacy, and intimacy turns into indulgence. It all seems so cozy and calm to read between the lines, but it is equally tough to make it transit from one level of relationship to other. While friendship is valuable, cherished and adored. Intimacy leads to fracture in relationships.
Expectations keep on soaring exponentially, one after the other. When these are not met, it causes a lot of dis rest & discomfort. Indulging in someone is not good so much so that it creates havoc and discern. Indulgence is good in fun times, but not all the time. As they say that excess of everything is bad. Intimacy directly hits the brain the heart and the soul. It may be a motivator as well as a degenerative catalyst. Depends on the magnitude and momentum of the indulgence. In most of the cases it’s harmful only.
In one of the very famous restros where they have the buffet system they had written on their menu cards "don’t hesitate to indulge your self in the cuisine". The food is awesome and so is the place and the crowd. But how much can one indulge in the food too? There is a limit to how much one can consume. If over done can lead to upset stomach, cramps or stomach aches. Indulgence too has its own limit.
Neither go out of your way to do things nor overdo the things. Don't give others a chance to use you as a doormat. Never open yourself to people too much, so much so that your soul gets naked. Soul is untouched and unscathed and it should be that way. Everything in this universe stays balanced, for all the positivity is the negativity as the counter force. For the centrifugal force is the counter centripetal force, in as basic a unit as an atom. The same way indulgence is an act that will drain you slowly but steadily. Don’t fall into a ditch that will ditch you up big time, and leave you battered and shattered. Better realize the pitch of the ditch before letting yourself free fall into it.
Indulgence is a free fall without a parachute. The flight is good, and has its own excitement and adrenalin rush, but at the end is a Wang Bang Wang crash into the ground. It will obviously be an explosion. In a collision there you are, but in an explosion where you are?
Realize indulgence will cause you more pain, agony, trouble than good. Indulgence will also give space to jealousy, doubt and may be in the worst cast infidelity. There is no scale to weigh the magnitude of indulgence or the commitment between two individuals towards each other. So what happens if one person gives more into a relationship that what is being delivered back. It changes the focus and balance completely from one individual to other. This paradigm shift will eventually strain the relationship to such an extend that it will split apart like the tendons of a rubber band. There is no adhesive to repair this stranded tendon. Even if healing has a chance, the healing happens at its own pace. But the restoration of faith, trust, and compassion is not to that a level, at which it was. Faith, trust once gone, takes its own time to come back or in worst case may not even come back.
So let the fire of compassion and warmth always burn in you, but keep the torch of indulgence always low in yourself, because it will only burn out all the fuel and fury in you, leaving you high & dry. Bon voyage in this ship of friendship, and keep away from the pirates of indulgence.
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Branded Banished Bandit
Banished bandit I am
Knowing no bounds
Knowing no rules
Ones who follow them I call them fools
I am myself
I am on my own
People call me a goon
But who listens to these toon’s
I have the nerve of steel
Do whatever I feel
You better have this fear
Else I may toss you, I swear
People spot me & bow
Some would even kneel
This is my prowess
That’s the real feel
I have a big ego
With my rival & the foe
Someday I’m gonna show them my prowess
The real show of power
I am the king of this jungle
Tell me where to create a rumble
With a streak I can create a Bumble
Watch out, kiddo, else you will tumble
I do all that is bravo
Real Hero among my peers
A true Lion among the deer’s
They may have it, but I have no fear
With all of my guts
I do stuff all nuts
Known for my notoriety
I am all nasty & nutty
I was notorious as a kid
One snap would open my anger lid
As I grew up my anger also did
I was no more a human, in this society, I wouldn’t fit
Blood is like water to me
Gushing through my vein
I cannot understand a talk
That comes from the brain
This is the way I was reared
This is the way, Life, I fared
Life has been a bitch
Has taught me all without hitch
Life showed me its true colors
The colors that I wanted to see
I am today
What I wanted to be
I never reared for freedom,
I never cared for anything
I live in my own castle
In my own kingdom
People wannabe me
But it’s a tough life to lead
I am tough & rough
But there are many awaiting bluff’s
Life for me is a gamble
I tread it, even when in shambles
Only my mind is mutilated
But my soul is still unscathed
I reared for importance
I cried for manhood
That made sure, I was the way I am
I don't blame anyone, coz I am on my own
I m living in the world so harsh
This world that’s a marsh
You have to swim to the bank
To get the rank
I choose to float on d morons around
Sink them & float to the ground
That I guess is humane nature
Where u have to kill, to be a surviving creature
But that is not the way should go
So I am struggling to change the world and as well as me
I tried so hard not to be what i am
But if the whole world is so
I am good the way I am
If they are nasty
I m nastier
I didn’t want to be anything else
I couldn’t be anyone else
I have this pulse
Its about I me and myself
They say u do such great feats
Never had to face defeat
Standing tall on my feet
If you mess, be ready for the retreat
I know my present
But the future is uncertain
This is what I am
This is what I want to be
I was called a bandit
Branded Banished Bandit
Knowing no bounds
Knowing no rules
Ones who follow them I call them fools
I am myself
I am on my own
People call me a goon
But who listens to these toon’s
I have the nerve of steel
Do whatever I feel
You better have this fear
Else I may toss you, I swear
People spot me & bow
Some would even kneel
This is my prowess
That’s the real feel
I have a big ego
With my rival & the foe
Someday I’m gonna show them my prowess
The real show of power
I am the king of this jungle
Tell me where to create a rumble
With a streak I can create a Bumble
Watch out, kiddo, else you will tumble
I do all that is bravo
Real Hero among my peers
A true Lion among the deer’s
They may have it, but I have no fear
With all of my guts
I do stuff all nuts
Known for my notoriety
I am all nasty & nutty
I was notorious as a kid
One snap would open my anger lid
As I grew up my anger also did
I was no more a human, in this society, I wouldn’t fit
Blood is like water to me
Gushing through my vein
I cannot understand a talk
That comes from the brain
This is the way I was reared
This is the way, Life, I fared
Life has been a bitch
Has taught me all without hitch
Life showed me its true colors
The colors that I wanted to see
I am today
What I wanted to be
I never reared for freedom,
I never cared for anything
I live in my own castle
In my own kingdom
People wannabe me
But it’s a tough life to lead
I am tough & rough
But there are many awaiting bluff’s
Life for me is a gamble
I tread it, even when in shambles
Only my mind is mutilated
But my soul is still unscathed
I reared for importance
I cried for manhood
That made sure, I was the way I am
I don't blame anyone, coz I am on my own
I m living in the world so harsh
This world that’s a marsh
You have to swim to the bank
To get the rank
I choose to float on d morons around
Sink them & float to the ground
That I guess is humane nature
Where u have to kill, to be a surviving creature
But that is not the way should go
So I am struggling to change the world and as well as me
I tried so hard not to be what i am
But if the whole world is so
I am good the way I am
If they are nasty
I m nastier
I didn’t want to be anything else
I couldn’t be anyone else
I have this pulse
Its about I me and myself
They say u do such great feats
Never had to face defeat
Standing tall on my feet
If you mess, be ready for the retreat
I know my present
But the future is uncertain
This is what I am
This is what I want to be
I was called a bandit
Branded Banished Bandit
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