1. Fun:
Earlier I used to freak out with friends; now it’s behaving nicely & in a sophisticated way with the wife.
Gone are the days when I was one nasty wolf, now it’s a Chihuahua going around, making no noise.
2. Yearning:
There was always a yearning in the mornings to hold someone tight in the bed, & this yearning has now become a reality.
3. Overcoming my vices:
My vices were never known to me before, more so because everyone used to think high of me; marriage made me mindful of my vices & I am working on to overcome my vices.
4. Carelessness & Negligence:
These are the things of the past. She's a perfectionist & the margin of error in doing things should be 1 part per million
5. Mitochondria Dysfunctioning:
Energy Levels have dropped considerably. Jog of 8kms a year back is now restricted to only 2kms; heavy panting & sweating an add on feature.
6. Kindness & Soft spokeness:
With my friends at times I was mean, but niceties & courtesies have become like the main course of life. Some of my friends even told me "there has been a considerable & commendable change in me post my nuptial"
7. Anger Management:
My worst nightmare is me angry to the core, but I am learning to let go of trivia, & managing my anger & impatience. Practice makes perfect.
8. Sacrifices:
I haven't done any so far. She is the one who has left her family, house, friends, job so as to be with me, for a lifetime & 7 others to come.
9. Compassion Vs Compatibility:
I always was of the view that it is the "Compassion" that keeps a relation ticking; but now I am sure that it is the Compatibility Quotient & Understanding that keeps the relationship ticking.
10. PDA (Public Display of Affection):
Holding Hands in the Park, on the road & where not; Bear Hugs while driving __Censored__ (else I will be censured)
11. Humor Dosage:
She's got a whacky sense of humor that can instill life in anything. It also helps keeps my heart healthy & sets a curve on my otherwise silly face.
12. Indulgence:
Breakfast served & fed - hot & crispy; Evening Tea hotter than she herself is;
Dinner cooked perfectly minus spices & oil, plus retained taste & aroma.
Savours my taste buds everytime
13. De-Stressing:
I am de-stressed at almost all times. Even if I am annoyed with something; I resolve the issue there & then itself, so as not to conflagrate it.Keeps the relation healthy & prevents it from rottening.
14. Freedom Bygone:
Freedom is far bygone. I have to seek permission to go to parties, take consent before doing anything substantial, even if that involves buying groceries. I have to be home on time. I guess freedom is the only thing that has been bartered for other attributes, comforts & conveniences.
15. Living not for yourself, but for others:
Dad once said, "If you live for yourself, what did you live, live for others". Adopting that to make others lively & lift their spirits.
16. Making the two ends meet:
Building our own warm, cozy nest speck by speck.
17. Running home to:
Earlier I didn't have anyone to run home to, but now I can't wait to wind up for the day & go back home to her warm embrace.
18. Soaring Temperatures & Settling Heat:
She has made every effort honestly to settle down with my ilk. She has accepted people the way they are, & in a short span of time. There was riff & raff in the beginning but the dust settled soon. Thank God for giving me such a good life partner.
19. Changing Interests:
Pop & Jazz has given way to Jagjit Singh's Ghazals. Chai waalah's chai has given way to CCD's & Barista's now. Chaprii shopping has given way to shopping at the Malls.
20. No Money No Honey:
Picked up this line from our Tour Guide in Thailand. Credit Card Bills have shot up exponentially, not just to buy honey but butter, bread & jam too. Having a little variety in life is very luscious.