Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Life and Death

Death is not when you die,
Death is when, you forget to live! (Anon)

Life is not the number of breaths you take,
Life is the number of moments, that take your breath away! (Anon) 


In this world full of fancies and fantasies, simplicity still hasn't lost its charm !! 

Value of things

I once had a chance to go to Mother Teresa charity house in Vadodara (thanks to my wife).
The thing that I loved about this place was the kids, running around, laughing, having fun.
They were so joyful, even though they had very little with them - no toys, no gizmos, not even proper shoes.

And our kids? They throw fits if they don't get a candy (or whatever they are asking for).
This opened my eyes. The perception of being "happy" is different in an orphanage, than in a comforting, cozy home that our kids are now accustomed to.

Our kids are born with a golden spoon in their mouth. Without even them asking, parents dole out expensive branded clothes, shoes, all kinds of toys, gizmos and what not!

Perhaps its important to teach our kids the value of things; to edify them about being contended even if they had little on their plate.