Sunday, July 31, 2011

Understanding Women

There are some equations that can never be balanced; they always remain in a state of imbalance. One such equation is the one that exists between men & women. The male herd typically high on ego, need for power, sex and aggression. Women on the other hand crave for love, caring, consideration; & these urges are more powerful than any other urge in them. Being settled and leading a comfortable life is also on their priority list.

What Women want?
It is a question that many a love gurus & pundits have tried / failed to answer. Women want love, care & consideration, money, good looks (though still a matter of debate because women deny this), and a trustworthy partner. They are not driven by their urge for sex, but that of being wanted, to love and be loved. Metropolitan women are smart, manipulative and calculative when it comes to choosing their life partner. They keep many options open, dating many male friends during the same time and taking their pick from within this herd. They may have many flings. They are involved in innumerable one sided affairs that become so serious that the self proclaimed boyfriend has to be admitted to the hospital because he slits his wrist, showcasing his craziness for the girl. But he doesn’t showcases his love this way; he proves that he is a loser.

Women do have the 6th sense, with which they sniff their Mr. Right from amongst a crowd of zillions. They may go to great heights to find their Mr. right, and if they begin to believe that there is no such thing s Mr. right, they will eye the guy that they met on their journey of finding Mr. right, and get hooked to that guy. Doesn’t matter is they had dumped this same guy in the past for reasons galore. You have a bad body odor, you have a foul smelling mouth, you are not my type, you don't give me space, you don't understand me etc etc.

A women’s solution to a broken heart or a sour relationship is to move on to another man. Another man’s handkerchief & strong shoulder aid in fixing their broken heart as fast as the Fevicol. This man comes as a cupid & saves their day & cushion from getting wet because of tears. If women have a broken heart, they will take all the blame on themselves, thinking that something is seriously wrong with her; which caused the relationship & commitment to fail. If they have had a sour relationship they would still have the hope that they can turn back the clock & get their man back in their life. They still believe in miracles happening & fairy tales. They believe in the magic wand & the fairies that will come & resolve all their problems with the wave of the wand. Women do get crazy & berserk while on this rebound from their old relationship. Nobody has ever understood a Women's broken heart & nobody has ever been able to contemplate the time it will take to heal their broken heart. Ironically, they always want the men, who don't want them, & not want the men who want them.

A successful man is one who makes more money than his wife can spend, and a successful woman is one who can find such a man. For a woman choosing the right guy/prospective husband, is like a big achievement tantamount to that of achieving Nobel Prize. Majority of women want to marry a guy who is rich, but they forget to think that do they really match up to the expectations of that rich man. That’s why rich men also have trouble finding a suitable wife, as they rarely meet prospective girls, in their circles who are up to their standards.

This is not a male chauvinistic post.
All characters in this post are imaginary and have no resemblance to any person living or dead.