Pain, a somatic sensation of acute discomfort, emotional distress or a physical hurt. Contrary to the belief that pain ruptures & devastates people, pain is actually an adhesive that binds people together. Pain gives people a chance to stand up in unison & in sync against the stimuli causing the pain. It works as a filler to plug in the cracks & crevices of a strained relationship. Pain is also a dope that gives people a high. Pain is also a way to gain empathy, compassion, affiliation, love & attention. It brings out the best in the pain inflicted individual & his empathizers.
Pain is also a healer that bridges the differences, between two individuals. They collectively tend to overcome the pain inflicting problem, & in this process their intimacy & understanding for each other also grows. Somatic sensations upsurge in them, igniting & conflagrating the fire of love & compassion, once again that was long forgone.
Life is a boomerang with troughs & peaks. People who cognize with you during the peaks may be many, but they may not be the real emphasizers. Whereas the people who are coherent during the troughs, are the real empathizers, & well wishers. There goes a saying that "Hands that come to wipe off your tears are much better than the hands that come to clap for you". Pain is a similar antidote, where you undergo a lot of trauma & perishing, but in the process come to know the real empathizers, churned out from the defunct & the unwanted weeds.

For some pain may also be a way of life, as is the case of the religious cult sects, who inflict pain on themselves, as a way to achieve godliness. Pain is also an antidote that keeps us grounded to earth. Absence of pain would make us sick, mad & into a frenzied fanatic. The pain comes to destroy the phase of happiness so that a new cycle of happiness could begun, & that we would cherish & value the moments of happiness & tranquility in our lives. Pain also leads us to subdue to the supreme, or the inner self. Subjugating & surrendering to the powerful force inside us & around us, leading us towards righteousness & virtuousness. It induces fear in us, the fear of being punished if we didn't abide by the rulebook of the inner conscious or that of the truth. Pain is aptly an antidote rather than the posion itself.
Images Courtesy: Radhika Jindal's Gallery