Monday, August 6, 2007

Work Satisfaction

The major motive for completing education is to be self dependent, & sufficient in atleast the basic necessities of life. If you are amongst the lucky ones you tend to get these amenities of life, & get to enjoy the life to the fullest, that others less priveledged are deprived of. The aim eventually is to work, that will not only fetch you respect but also lots of booty. It is this urge & the necessity that makes us slog our lives, while in school, university & at the job. So that we can face the bleeding competition, that by all means is healthy, & ensures that the best get the best. But does that necessarily mean that life gives us back what we expect out of it. In most of the cases there will be a point blank "NO", as life with its atrocities does not give us what all we want, it takes us for a ride a number of times.We don't get what we deserve or desire most of the times, that is a fact. We are helpless too, all we can do is work towards our goals, & then it depends on the destiny & the so called luck whether we get there or not. This fire of achieving materialism or some other goals drives us towards the cutting limits of physical & mental endurance. This materialsim may not lead us anywhere, but then we can spend our lives with a lifestyle, that only most people can dream of. Only the lucky ones get to blabber about their lifestyle & materialism.But where is the so called work satisfaction, that one gets by doing, what one wants to do, or the way one wants to do something. India being a developing country has fewer chances of people working in the arena that they really wanted to work in. These people create more meaning out of their work, than the ones who unfortunately couldn't even get hands on the thing that they would have liked to be a source of their bread, butter, booze & cheese. These people come from one domain to work in another cross functional domain. A classical example of this is the people from Mechanical Engineering background joining Software Companies. The point here is that the person with a Bachelor's in Software Engineering is bound to be more successful than the one with a Mechanical Engineering Degree.The question now arises is, will the Mechanical guy working in a Cross functional software domain find peace, solace & satisfaction in what he is doing as a software engineer. He always wanted to be a part of the Mechanical world, where he could work on an engine to increase its fuel efficiency from 40% to 80%, or reduce the fiction in its mechanical parts. But here he is sitting back in his chair, & resolving the bugs in the software. He may have a thick pay packet in the software industry, that may sometime's require a truck to carry it home, but then does he have that thick sense of pride & honor in what he is doing. He always wanted to soil & toil it hard, have his hands smeared with grease & oil, oil blots on his shirt. But there he is, sitting quitely in the corner of his aircondiotioned, noise proof cabin, wearing a white shirt, & his hands on the keyboard typing the code, @ 1000 lines per day. His life has lost its meaning, its direction just for some bucks. He has made ultimate sacrifice of his solace, peace & tranquility that he woud have found in doing what he was destined to do. Sacrificing the so called work satisfaction may make some sense, when the buck is concerned. But this buck comes at a price. Price is sacrificing the work satisfaction & the internal contenment. But in the long run of this rat race for money, you may turn out to be a winner, but a loser in majority of the cases.
Draft VersionSoon to be Baselined

Digital Fortress

Digital Fortress
Going through the Book gives me a feel :As if my life is gagged & bound by someone, snooping over my mails, even though it may not be of relevance to them.Author has a good knowledge of the what is going on in the Technology.Believe none, except for yourself, it turns out that someone, very unpredictable & unexpected is the culprit in the last.
Must Read

Must Read

Must Read

For both Techies & Geeks

Armageddon / DoomsDay

Armageddon / DoomsDay

It is the year 2198...and for a while, the world was at peace. The Things are going on smoothly except for the thing that the now developed Countries (Contributing to 200 out of 210) are eyeing each other, undercover. There is a State of Cold war, wherein every country for the time being is tight Lipped, and not adding Oil to the Fire. The natural Resources are driven towards extinction, The Land is scarce to grow anything cause the Population has almost Quadrupled in the last 200 Years, the Islands have been washed out cause of the raising of the Sea Level due to the Green House Effect. The Inflation has reached a record high. Every country has a stockpile of Deadly Arms, some of which are more than enough to wipe off all Life from the Earth in a Fraction of Seconds. All nations have joined hands to one of the Three Different Group of Countries, called as the First World Countries, Second World Countries & Third World Countries. These Group of Countries have shook hands as per their Interests & unison in their ideologies. This has divided One World into three spheres. The problems at hand are driving the countries to anguish & frustration, each country wants to control & exploit the resources of its neighboring Country or some other Country. The earth is like a huge stack of dry Straw & grass that is waiting for a spark to ignite it & engulf whole of this earth like a unimaginable, unforeseen Forest Fire, that will spare none, leaving behind only Death & Smoke. Rumors are abuzz that the so & so Country is planning a serious deadly offensive, & this is on the front page of every paper, on everyone’s mind, & on everyone’s Tongue. Each Country Fears that any Country may launch the Offensive against it any time for any reason. Everyone is living in fear, & this sheer fear is driving everyone crazy. The countries are not ready to talk, cause there is nothing to talk over, only war & then winning is being seen as a solution to all the Problems haunting that nation for a long time now. Its like a dam that has been filled with so much of water that will eventually break loose & wreak havoc & destroy everything.

In the morning of 5th.Oct.2198, came the D day when it is discovered that the First World Countries are planning a massive offensive against the Third World Countries as a Result of the Assassination of President of 2 First World Countries in the past, along with the Rocket Attack on some Cities killing thousands in the Third World Countries. Missile attacked being launched by the Second World Countries. These Attacks & killing were in reprisal of the mismatched ideologies of the countries over common Issues. The Countries had prepared for the wrath & the Countries that weren’t prepared for this Armageddon were preparing fast for the catastrophic developments or else would have to perish & be removed from the face of the Earth in a flash of Light. This was a war that would incorporate Accuracy, Speed, Deception, Tactics & above all Power (the Power to bless even the immortal with Death). Soon the Skies were filled with the Fighter Planes, that made no noise at all, there were armed Robots on the Streets, the Humans were equipped with suits that would warn them & protect them from any possible dangers or any threat of attacks. The Army was positioned everywhere & the Weaponry was being airlifted into the Space, so that the Missiles could be launched from Space (Star Wars II). This War was not only to be fought on face of the earth, but also in the Extra Terrestrial Space, wherein Man had Built Artificial Colonies, wherein people would go for Holidays & experiencing the unknown phenomenon of the Space. The war toll after 15 Days : 1.5 Billion Dead, Losses worth Trillion Zillion Rupees, 8 Countries wiped off completely, Poisonous Gases & Biological Chemicals in the Air causing Deaths @ 1800 deaths per Minute, Nuclear Radiations causing Cancer Developments Fast. There are no Doctors or Hospitals available, everyone is on his own. But the war still wages on for 30 Days with the Second World Countries finally Winning over with the launch of their final resort, H Bomb, that left it with a population of 2200 men standing tall on the corpses, to rule the World that had nothing but Death, & no leftover Resources, Everything was destroyed. There was smoke everywhere, no vegetation, nothing, deep craters were left in the earth’s surface. The Oceans had started to heat to the extend that they made steam. Those who were left, also vanished within the next 6 months. Perhaps that was the end of the Days, or was it a new beginning. The Armageddon.

(Written By : Amit Shali)